CLC is a missionary fellowship of people drawn from many nations, denominations and backgrounds.
All are dedicated to serve the Lord Jesus Christ and to the task of introducing others to Him. Their tool is the PRINTED PAGE as well as personal witness.
Our mission Is to make Evangelical literature and Bible available to all nations, so that people may come to faith and maturity in the Lord Jesus Christ.
Our deep desire is to see people from all parts of the world discover, understand and apply the message of the Word of God.
Childrens Books
Every time you order with CLC Bookshops (either online or in-store) a percentage of the value of your orders is set aside to support global mission through CLCs international network across over 50 countries.
This is allocated to specific projects in some of the world’s poorest countries, to aid gospel witness through Christian literature.
Church and Music Resources
CLC Philippines is a non-profit organization. It uses various means to accomplish its purpose, but all are designed fo fill gaps so that Christian literature can be made more widely available.
Our primary method is to open and run Christian bookshops worlwide (now at 182 in 57 countries and counting). We also do translation, publishing, wholesale distribution, lending libraries and many other things.
Because our mission operates on the faith princilpe, all our workers look to the Lord to supply their needs. Proceeds from book sales are channeled back into some phase of the worldwide literature ministry.
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Essential Guide to the Bible
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A Handbook on the Jewish Roots of the Gospels
A Handbook on the Jewish Roots of the Christian Faith
Invitation to Church History: Two-Volume Set - The Story of Christianity
The Unquenchable Lamp of the Covenant (Tagalog Edition) - The First Fourteen Generations in the Genealogy of Jesus Christ Abraham Park
Reclaiming Surrendered Ground - Protecting Your Family from Spiritual Attacks
Ishmael in the Shadow of Israel - God's Prophetic Plan for Abraham's Firstborn
Loving the Poor, Saving the Rich - Wealth, Poverty, and Early Christian Formation
Disaster Ministry Handbook
Guidebook for Instruction in the Christian Religion Herman Bavinck
Christianity, Cults & Religions
Rose Guide to Genesis - Maps, Time Lines, and Overviews
Standard Bible Atlas
The Hunger for Significance - Seeing the Image of God in Man R. C. Sproul
Formation of the Bible, Second Edition - The Story of the Church’s Canon
7 Family Ministry Essentials - A Strategy for Culture Change in Children's and Student Ministries
The Power of a Praying Wife Devotional (Hardcover) Stormie Omartian
Strong Girls, Strong World - A Practical Guide to Helping Them Soar—and Creating a Better Future for Us All
Critical Dilemma - The Rise of Critical Theories and Social Justice Ideology―Implications for the Church and Society
You Can Achieve Normal Blood Sugar - Discover the Surprising Results from over 100 Blood Sugar Tests
Invitation to Christian Ethics - Moral Reasoning and Contemporary Issues
The Power of Praying for Your Adult Children Stormie Omartian
If Christianity is so Good, Why are Christians so Bad? - The Big Ten: Critical Questions Answered
Spiritual Knowledge
Spiritual Authority Watchman Nee
Not I But Christ - Exercise thyself unto godliness Watchman Nee
The Communion of the Holy Spirit Watchman Nee
Essential Christianity - A Handbook of Basic Christian Doctrines Walter Martin
Gospel Dialogue Watchman Nee
Belief in a God You Can't See
The Preeminent Christ - God's Beautiful and Unchanging Gospel
Reforming Free Will - A Conversation on the History of Reformed Views on Compatibilism (1500-1800)
Why Should I Believe Christianity? - The Big Ten: Critical Questions Answered
Does Christianity Really Work? - The Big Ten: Critical Questions Answered
Has Science Made God Unnecessary? - The Big Ten: Critical Questions Answered
Why Should I Trust the Bible? - The Big Ten: Critical Questions Answered
How Could a Loving God Send anyone to Hell? - The Big Ten: Critical Questions Answered
Why is there Evil in the World (and so much of it)? - The Big Ten: Critical Questions Answered
Why Does the God of the Old Testament Seem so Violent and Hateful? - The Big Ten: Critical Questions Answered
Expository Outlines & Observations on Romans - Hints and Helps for Preachers and Teachers
It Will Cost You Everything - What it Takes to Follow Jesus
Historical Theology for the Church
The Trinity in the Canon - A Biblical, Theological, Historical, and Practical Proposal
A Handbook of Theology - Theology for the People of God
Christian Theology - The Biblical Story and Our Faith
CSB The Study Bible for Women (Teal Flowers, LeatherTouch)
Union with the Resurrected Christ - Eschatological New Creation and New Testament Biblical Theology G. K. Beale
The Pastoral Epistles - A Commentary on the Greek Text Stanley Porter
Authentic Worship - The Path to Greater Unity with God A.W. Tozer
The Gospel Call & True Conversion - Recovering the Gospel