Daily Wisdom on Prayer
Daily Wisdom on Prayer

Daily Wisdom on Prayer

365 Devotions

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You know that prayer is important.
Here is deep yet accessible guidance
from one of history’s greatest teachers.
Charles Spurgeon, “the Prince of Preachers,” is well remembered and remarkably readable some 130 years after his death. Now, this brand-new daily devotional is compiled from his many sermons on prayer.
You’ll find spiritually deep but personally accessible teaching on prayer, as Spurgeon describes the who, what, when, where, and why of this vital spiritual discipline. Weekly themes allow for fuller treatment of key aspects of our communication with God, and notes provide brief background of the sermons from which the entries are drawn.
Whatever your age or background, whether you’re familiar with Spurgeon or not, you’ll appreciate these insights on prayer.

ISBN: 9781636094052
Dimensions: 550 x 750 x 100 mm
Weight: 155.000g
Binding: Hardcover
Number of pages: 379
Language: English

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