The Beauty of Intolerance
The Beauty of Intolerance

The Beauty of Intolerance

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Today's message of cultural acceptance is dangerously distorted and deceptive. In a world that shouts: "If you truly care about other people, you must agree that their beliefs, values, lifestyle, and truth claims are equal and as valid as yours!" it’s no wonder our youth are confused. The Beauty of Intolerance--brand-new from Josh McDowell with son Sean McDowell--cuts through the confusion and points you back to the place where the only truth resides. . .Jesus Christ. Tied directly to the Heroic Truth initiative launched by the Josh McDowell Ministry, McDowell will share how a biblical view of truth can counter cultural tolerance and encourage a love and acceptance of others apart from their actions with a heart of Christlike compassion.

About the Author:

Josh McDowell has been at the forefront of cultural trends and groundbreaking ministry for over five decades. He shares the essentials of the Christian faith in everyday language so that youth, families, churches, leaders, and individuals of all ages are prepared for the life of faith and the work of the ministry. This includes leveraging resources based on years of experiences, new technologies, and strategic partnerships. Since 1961, Josh has delivered more than 27,000 talks to over 25,000,000 people in 125 countries. He is the author or coauthor of 142 books, including More Than a Carpenter and New Evidence That Demands a Verdict, recognized by World Magazine as one of the top 40 books of the twentieth century. Josh's books are available in over 100 different languages. Josh and his wife,Dottie, are quick to acknowledge that after their love for the Lord, family is their greatest joy and top priority.  They have been married for 46 years and have four wonderful children and ten beloved grandchildren. For more information, please visit 

Sean McDowell, PhD, is an assistant professor at Biola University in the MA Christian apologetics program. He is also a bestselling author of over fifteen books. Sean is an internationally recognized speaker for conferences, universities, schools, and churches. He and his wife Stephanie and their three kids live in Southern California.

ISBN: 9781630589400
Dimensions: 600 x 900 x 64 mm
Weight: 960.000g
Binding: Paperback
Number of pages: 256
Language: English

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