What Does The Lord Require?
What Does The Lord Require?

What Does The Lord Require?

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Product Description:

How applicable is the Bible's moral standard to the complex issues we face today--like stem cell research, euthanasia, gambling, and environmental care? How does a person use Scripture to make ethical decisions? And how do we teach people to think biblically about ethics?

Experienced Bible teacher Walter Kaiser answers these questions by demonstrating how, connecting eighteen key teaching Scriptures to eighteen tough ethical issues. Some examples include connecting poverty and orphans with Isaiah 58:1-12, genetic engineering with Genesis 1:26-39 and 2:15-25, and cohabitation and adultery with 1 Thessalonians 4:1-8. The result is a stimulating resource and guide for preaching and a solid foundation for developing Bible studies. Each chapter also includes concluding points, bibliography, and discussion questions.

About the Author:

Walter C. Kaiser, Jr. (PhD, Brandeis University) is president emeritus at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary. He is active as a preacher, speaker, researcher, and writer and is the author of more than fort books, including Preaching and Teaching from the Old Testament and The Majesty of God in the Old Testament.

ISBN: 9789717892368
Dimensions: 140 x 210 x 12 mm
Weight: 270.000g
Binding: Soft Cover
Number of pages: 256
Language: English

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