There's Hope for Your Church
There's Hope for Your Church

There's Hope for Your Church

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Product Description:

It’s easy to feel discouraged by shrinking attendance and slow spiritual growth in your church. But the first step to turning things around is hope. God can and does restores churches to new life, even as he restores individuals. Church health expert Gary McIntosh offers you real hope by showing you the first things you need to do to make a new start for your church. The street-smart ideas and step-by-step instructions found in this book are ones that you can put to use immediately in your church to bring about solid growth and renewed hope for the future.

"A wealth of wisdom for anyone seeking to turn around a declining or plateaued church. McIntosh skillfully draws on his three decades of church consultations to forge a step-by-step strategy for restoring vitality to struggling churches. This book gives you hope and will show you the way to revitalize your church."--Ed Stetzer, author of Viral Churches

About the Author:

Gary L. McIntosh (PhD, DMin, Fuller Theological Seminary) is president of the Church Growth Network and professor of Christian ministry and leadership at Talbot School of Theology, Biola University. He is an internationally known speaker and church consultant who has written more than 25 books, including Biblical Church GrowthBeyond the First VisitWhat Every Pastor Should KnowGrowing God's Church, and Building the Body. He lives in California.
ISBN: 9789717892740
Dimensions: 141 x 210 x 11 mm
Weight: 280.000g
Binding: Soft Cover
Number of pages: 208
Language: English

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