One Church Four Generations
One Church Four Generations

One Church Four Generations

Understanding and Reaching All Ages in Your Church

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Product Description:

Church leaders of the twenty-first century, perhaps more than at any time in history, must reach out to a variety of groups within the church. How can worship services be modified to attract young people without driving the older members away? It is possible for a church to have an intergenerational ministry? How can churches keep the youngest members involved?

One Church, Four Generations gives thoughtful insight into the four generations found in churches today, exploring the qualities, values, and interests of each group in relation to the historical events and social trends that have shaped them. You’ll find practical suggestions for types of ministry and worship styles that will draw each generation─from the oldest generation of Builders to the youngest crowd of Bridgers. Helpful tables offer summaries of generational characteristics, common needs and concerns, and ways to reach the unchurched.

About the Author:

Dr. Gary L. McIntosh is a nationally known author, speaker, consultant, and professor of Christian Ministry and Leadership at Talbot School of Theology, Biola University, located in La Miranda, California. He has written extensively in the fields of pastoral ministry, leadership, generational studies, and church growth.

ISBN: 9789717892757
Dimensions: 145 x 222 x 13 mm
Weight: 312.000g
Binding: Paperback
Number of pages: 248
Language: English

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