The Teenage Book of Manners
The Teenage Book of Manners

The Teenage Book of Manners

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Product Description:

A teenage manners book? You must be kidding! Isn't that a contradiction in “jumbo shrimp” or “holy war?”

Teenagers and manners just don't seem to go together. Teens who feel comfortable in jeans don't want to be straitjacketed under the guise of manners.

But the book you're holding in your hands doesn't split hairs. It's full of adventure, humor, and plain, practical tips on bringing out our best. It helps teens gain confidence, avoid embarrassing situations, make friends easily, and develop their immune systems against the bumps and bruises of life. The Teenage Book of Manners...Please! is a learning experience, but it's a fun one!

What do you get when you take a best-selling author of teenage books, the cartoonist who wrote and illustrated Archie comics for over thirty years, another best-selling author on the subject of manners, and then throw in two active teenagers?

You get the Hartley family and the fruit of their teamwork! The Teenage Book of Manners...Please! didn't come out of an ivory tower, it's down to earth and speaks to teenagers right where they are. “Get real” and share this book with your teen today!

About the Author:

Fred Hartley is Lead Pastor of Lilburn Alliance Church in Metro Atlanta where he and his wife Sherry have served since 1988. Fred and Sherry both graduated from Wheaton College. Fred received his graduate degree from Gordon Conwell Theological Seminary. He and Sherry have four children and 10 grandchildren. Fred’s father, Al Hartley, was a professional cartoonist illustrating “Archie” comics. Fred has authored 19 books including Everything by Prayer, Prayer on Fire, and his brand new book, God on Fire. Fred is also President of the College of Prayer International with over 225 campuses worldwide serving over 100,000 students. For fun he enjoys running, riding his motorcycle, and a very mediocre game of golf.

ISBN: 9789717890098
Dimensions: 138 x 208 x 13 mm
Weight: 300.000g
Binding: Soft Cover
Number of pages: 224
Release Date: 01.01.1991
Language: English

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