The Promises of God
The Promises of God

The Promises of God

Discovering the One Who Keeps His Word

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What promises can you believe?

We hear a lot these days about promises. Most of the time, we focus on promises to each other rather than on God's promises. As we all know, human promises fail time and again. But God--the one true Promise Keeper--always keeps His promises.

Drawing from his expansive theological background, Dr. R.C. Sproul explores specific covenants from the Old Testament through Christ to address questions such as these:

● How do we know that God will fulfill His promises to us?
● What can we learn about God’s faithfulness to keep His promises?
● What agreement did God the Father have with Jesus before the beginning of the world?
● What does God’s covenant with Adam mean for us today?
● What common covenant with God do non-Christians participate in?
● What does God’s covenant have to do with His forgiveness of our sins today?
● Why did Jesus have to die to complete God’s covenant with us?

God’s promises throughout history are the foundation for your relationship with Him. Here you will see how and why He keeps His promises to you, from now through eternity.

ISBN: 9780830772063
Dimensions: 138 x 209 x 15 mm
Weight: 324.000g
Binding: Paperback
Number of pages: 263
Language: English

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