The Normal Christian Life is Watchman Nee’s great Christian classic unfolding the central theme of “Christ our Life.” Nee reveals the secret of spiritual strength and vitality that should be the normal experience of every Christian.
Starting from certain key passages in Romans, he defines clearly and vividly the essential steps in the personal faith and walk of the believer. His emphasis on the cross and resurrection of Jesus Christ contains fresh spiritual insights that have proven a blessing to many.
About the Author:
Watchman Nee was a noted Chinese Bible teacher and Christian leader. He began his preaching ministry while still a university student. From 1923 to 1950 Mr. Nee founded 200 churches. Starting as small groups meeting in rented houses, these self-supporting congregations became very strong spiritually and grew rapidly. Nee concentrated on deeping spiritual life through intensive training in the Word of God Nee’s rich spoken ministry influenced many lives. His literature ministry has preserved a large number of his sermons, resulting in the publication of over 50 books in English alone, and through these printed pages Nee’s impact will continue to be felt.