KJV Thinline Reference Bible Filament-Enabled - Floral Frame Purple (LeatherLike)
KJV Thinline Reference Bible Filament-Enabled - Floral Frame Purple (LeatherLike)

KJV Thinline Reference Bible Filament-Enabled - Floral Frame Purple (LeatherLike)

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The Bible Reading Experience: Reimagined

The new Tyndale classic KJV Thinline Reference Bible, Filament-Enabled Edition has readable text, an attractive layout, and cross-references in a thin, easy-to-carry size. And while it has the same low price as basic text Bibles, the KJV Thinline Reference offers much more. It not only features a bold new design and the revered King James Version (KJV) but also includes the groundbreaking Filament Bible app. This app enables you to use your mobile phone or tablet to connect every page to a vast array of related content, including study notes, devotionals, interactive maps, informative videos, and worship music.

The Filament Bible app turns this Bible into a powerful study and devotional experience, offering more to expand your mind and touch your heart than you can possibly hold in your hand.

ISBN: 9781496460455
Dimensions: 155 x 235 x 30 mm
Weight: 662.000g
Binding: Leather-like
Number of pages: 1120
Language: English

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