Guidebook for Instruction in the Christian Religion
Guidebook for Instruction in the Christian Religion

Guidebook for Instruction in the Christian Religion

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In 1913, Dutch Reformed theologian Herman Bavinek (1854-1921) completed his Guidebook for Instruction in the Christian Religion. Although he originally intended it for high school students, Bavinck's ultimate goal was to educate the average churchgoer in the rich, deep thoughts of Scripture as universally expressed in the Christian faith.

An introductory systematic theology for anyone interested in Christianity, Guidebook for Instruction in the Christian Religion succinctly covers the major topics of Bavinck's academic four-volume Reformed Dogmatics, while maintaining theological depth and insight. Alongside The Sacrifice of Praise, this is Bavinck at his best doing catechetical theology.

ISBN: 9781683072997
Dimensions: 160 x 237 x 23 mm
Weight: 640.000g
Binding: Hardcover
Number of pages: 248
Language: English

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