Evidence for the Resurrection
Evidence for the Resurrection

Evidence for the Resurrection

What it means for your relationship with God

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When Jesus died on the cross, it seemed that all had been lost. Death had won. But after three days in a rich man's tomb, Jesus appeared... alive! The news was so shocking that his followers refused to believe it until they saw him with their own eyes and touched his wounds with their own hands. Then Jesus made an amazing claim: In the future, they would have resurrected bodies like his, bodies that would never deteriorate, age, or perish. They would have new life without death or pain, in the presence of a loving God forever.

But can we believe his promise? For that matter, can we really believe that the promise was made by a man who rose from the dead? In this fascinating look at the claims of the Gospel writers and 2,000 years of believing Christians, bestselling author Josh McDowell and his son Sean invite you to examine the compelling and abundant evidence that Jesus Christ conquered death and the grave. And they challenge you to answer this question: If Jesus rose from the dead 2,000 years ago, what does it mean for me today?

ISBN: 9789717893587
Dimensions: 153 x 229 x 10 mm
Weight: 331.000g
Binding: Paperback
Number of pages: 256
Language: English

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Josh McDowell

Josh McDowell, internationally known speaker and author on cultural issues facing youth has authored or coauthored more than sixty books, including Right From Wrong, New Evidence That Demands a Verdict, and More Than a Carpenter. Josh and his wife Dottie, have four children and live in Texas.