Covenant Theology
Covenant Theology

Covenant Theology

Biblical, Theological, and Historical Perspectives

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"Covenant theology sets the gospel in the context of God's eternal plan of communion with his people and its historical outworking in the covenants of works and grace."
Ligon Duncan

Just as two bookends hold together a row of books, the covenant of works and the covenant of grace hold together the storyline of Scripture. Join a host of twenty-six scholars, including O. Palmer Robertson, Michael J. Kruger, and Scott R. Swain, as they explore how the concept of covenant is clearly taught in Scripture and how it lays the foundation for other doctrines of salvation. This monumental work is Trinitarian, eschatological, historical, confessional, and practical, presenting readers with a great hope and consolation: the covenant-making God is a covenant-keeping God.

ISBN: 9781433560033
Dimensions: 188 x 257 x 49 mm
Weight: 1340.000g
Binding: Hard Cover
Number of pages: 672
Language: English

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