Corporate Worship
Corporate Worship

Corporate Worship

How the Church Gathers as God's People

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What Is the Role of Corporate Worship in the Church?

Christians worship God at church every week, but many don’t know exactly what worship is or why they do it. For some, it’s a warm-up for the sermon. For others, it’s a “me-and-Jesus” moment. What is the biblically informed way to view corporate worship?

In this book, Matt Merker shows that corporate worship is the gathering of God’s people by his grace, for his glory, for their good, and before a watching world. He offers biblical insights and practical suggestions for making worship what it truly is meant to be: a foretaste of God’s people worshiping together for eternity in the new creation.

ISBN: 9781433569821
Dimensions: 133 x 186 x 16 mm
Weight: 245.000g
Binding: Hardcover
Number of pages: 170
Language: English

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