Christian Theology, Third Edition
Christian Theology, Third Edition

Christian Theology, Third Edition

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Product Description

One of the most popular and comprehensive theological works of the last fifty years, Millard Erickson's Christian Theology is now in its third edition. Taking into account the particular debates prominent within evangelicalism today, Erickson incorporates suggestions and arguments from professors and students on issues as diverse as methodology, justification, atonement, and divine foreknowledge. A strong introduction coupled with a solid-biblical underpinning and serious consideration of contemporary, moderate, and classical positions, Erickson's book will continue to inform the lively theological discussions running through all evangelical circles.

Comes in a sturdy case-bound hardback for years usage.

  • Widely used textbook
  • Clear, readable, and comprehensive presentation on 12 aspects of Christian theology
  • Considerate of and generous to multiple points of view from within the evangelical tradition
  • Newly revised and updated
ISBN: 9789717893747
Dimensions: 158 x 234 x 55 mm
Weight: 1390.000g
Number of pages: 1200
Language: English

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Millard J. Erickson

(B.A., University of Minnesota, B.D., Northern Baptist Theological Seminary, M.A., University of Chicago, Ph.D., Northwestern University) has taught theology at several evangelical seminaries. He has written over twenty-five books and numerous articles. He and his wife, Virginia, have three daughters and live in Mounds View, Minnesota.