CLC is a missionary fellowship of people drawn from many nations, denominations and backgrounds.
All are dedicated to serve the Lord Jesus Christ and to the task of introducing others to Him. Their tool is the PRINTED PAGE as well as personal witness.
Our mission Is to make Evangelical literature and Bible available to all nations, so that people may come to faith and maturity in the Lord Jesus Christ.
Our deep desire is to see people from all parts of the world discover, understand and apply the message of the Word of God.
Childrens Books
Every time you order with CLC Bookshops (either online or in-store) a percentage of the value of your orders is set aside to support global mission through CLCs international network across over 50 countries.
This is allocated to specific projects in some of the world’s poorest countries, to aid gospel witness through Christian literature.
Church and Music Resources
CLC Philippines is a non-profit organization. It uses various means to accomplish its purpose, but all are designed fo fill gaps so that Christian literature can be made more widely available.
Our primary method is to open and run Christian bookshops worlwide (now at 182 in 57 countries and counting). We also do translation, publishing, wholesale distribution, lending libraries and many other things.
Because our mission operates on the faith princilpe, all our workers look to the Lord to supply their needs. Proceeds from book sales are channeled back into some phase of the worldwide literature ministry.
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Five Minutes in the Bible for Men
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God's Little Devotional Book for Dads
Secrets My Father Told Me - 50 Words of Wisdom from January to December
Simple Living for Teens - God's Guide to Enjoying What Matters Most
Bedside Blessings Charles R. Swindoll
The Joyful Heart Watchman Nee
The Joyful Heart is a dynamic collection of devotional gems from the works of Watchman Nee. Designed for daily reading, this book will enrich your walk with the Lord.
My Utmost for His Highest Oswald Chambers
Lift Up Your Eyes - Daily Encounters with God for Leaders Christopher Shaw
It is essential that we quiet our hearts, lifting our eyes to the One who can empower and equip us to accomplish His work.
Life on Purpose for Women - Practical Faith & Profound Insight for Every Day JM Farro
At the very core of our being is a need crying out to be fulfilled.
Life on Purpose for Men - Practical Faith & Profound Insight for Every Day JM Farro
From the beginning, men were created with a quest in their hearts─to conquer, accomplish, and succeed.
Life on Purpose - Practical Faith & Profound Insight for Every Day JM Farro
Learn to thoroughly enjoy the special times, to love with greatness those you care about, to evaluate and regroup when difficulties come.
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It's time to unlock the secret to a joy-filled life!
Anxious for Nothing - Finding Calm in a Chaotic World Max Lucado
The Power of Positive Words - What You Say Makes a Difference Stan Toler
Ripple Effects - Discover the Miraculous Motivating Power of Influence Pam Tebow
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The One Year Book of Amazing Stories - 365 Days of Seeing God’s Hand in Unlikely Places Robert Petterson
Heroes Wanted - The Smallest Acts of Kindness Can Make the Biggest Difference Rodney D. Bullard
52 Weeks Through the Bible Devotional - Fall in Love with the Book That Changed Everything James Merritt
The Winners Manual - For the Game of Life Jim Tressel
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