CLC is a missionary fellowship of people drawn from many nations, denominations and backgrounds.
All are dedicated to serve the Lord Jesus Christ and to the task of introducing others to Him. Their tool is the PRINTED PAGE as well as personal witness.
Our mission Is to make Evangelical literature and Bible available to all nations, so that people may come to faith and maturity in the Lord Jesus Christ.
Our deep desire is to see people from all parts of the world discover, understand and apply the message of the Word of God.
Childrens Books
Every time you order with CLC Bookshops (either online or in-store) a percentage of the value of your orders is set aside to support global mission through CLCs international network across over 50 countries.
This is allocated to specific projects in some of the world’s poorest countries, to aid gospel witness through Christian literature.
Church and Music Resources
CLC Philippines is a non-profit organization. It uses various means to accomplish its purpose, but all are designed fo fill gaps so that Christian literature can be made more widely available.
Our primary method is to open and run Christian bookshops worlwide (now at 182 in 57 countries and counting). We also do translation, publishing, wholesale distribution, lending libraries and many other things.
Because our mission operates on the faith princilpe, all our workers look to the Lord to supply their needs. Proceeds from book sales are channeled back into some phase of the worldwide literature ministry.
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Ishmael in the Shadow of Israel - God's Prophetic Plan for Abraham's Firstborn
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Critical Dilemma - The Rise of Critical Theories and Social Justice Ideology―Implications for the Church and Society
Evangelical Pharisees - The Gospel as Cure for the Church's Hypocrisy
Christianity and Science Herman Bavinck
The Beauty of Intolerance
Answering Jihad - A Better Way Forward
Ministry in a Secular Age Set Andrew Root
Divine Will and Human Choice - Freedom, Contingency, and Necessity in Early Modern Reformed Thought
What the Bible Says about Birth Control, Infertility, Reproductive Technology, and Adoption
Enough - Contentment in an Age of Excess
Hot Topics
Depression, Anxiety, and the Christian Life - Practical Wisdom from Richard Baxter
Fixing the Moral Deficit - A Balanced Way to Balance the Budget
Understanding and Loving a Person with Borderline Personality Disorder - Biblical and Practical Wisdom to Build Empathy, Preserve Boundaries, and Show Compassion
How to Be an Atheist - Why Many Skeptics Aren't Skeptical Enough
Radical Well-being - A Biblical Guide to Overcoming Pain, Illness, and Addictions
Sifted - God's Scandalous Response to Satan's Outrageous Demand
Understanding Sexual Abuse - A Guide for Ministry Leaders and Survivors
Healing Depression for Life - The Personalized Approach That Offers New Hope for Lasting Relief
A Divine Revelation of Healing - You, Too, Can Receive Your Healing!
Prophetically Incorrect - A Christian Introduction to Media Criticism
The Magna Carta of Humanity - Sinai's Revolutionary Faith and the Future of Freedom
Saving Christianity - The Danger in Undermining our Faith and What you Can Do About it Michael Youssef
When Did We Start Forgetting God? - The Root of the Evangelical Crisis and Hope for the Future
Visits to Heaven and Back - Are they Real?
An Emergent Manifesto of Hope
You First, Me Second - Getting to the Heart of Social Responsibility
Tempting Faith - An Inside Story of Political Seduction
Now, That's a Good Question - Answers to Questions about Life and Faith R. C. Sproul
Identity and Idolatry - The Image of God and Its Inversion